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Welcome to vomFASS, A Creative Culinary World

As a passionate gourmet who has traveled the world and sampled the very best there is to offer, I discovered that the enjoyment of food and drink depends largely on the quality of the foundation ingredients. This principle of product excellence was the bench mark I used when I founded vomFASS.

Our wide range of products are thoughtfully sourced, nurtured and cultivated from responsible growers around the world. We pride ourselves on our respect for nature and the growers who dedicate themselves to producing the highest quality ingredients in a sustainable system.

I invite you to share this enthusiasm for quality and enjoyment with me.

Yours truly,


Johannes Kiderlen



Upon visiting our shop, you will be enchanted by the treasure trove of rich oaken casks, colorful glass balloons, artisanal stoneware crocks and graceful amphorae. These signature vessels are each filled with an amazing fruit vinegar; an exquisite oil; a unique liqueur or a fine, rare spirit.


Once you've had a chance to explore the wide variety of options, our knowledgeable staff are on hand to treat you to as many tastes as you desire. We offer wonderful pairings, product history, cooking suggestions and product uses. Our staff will also help you find the perfect bottle to store your chosen selection.


Our products are perfect for creating exquisite dishes, sharing with loved ones, enhancing a healthy lifestyle, and experiencing the simple joy that tasting a fine spirit or wine provides. Our earth-friendly, refillable bottles are a reminder that you are always just a visit away from not only eco-friendly contribution, but another great taste experience.

When did it begin?

In 1840, the Kiderlen Family were given the rights to produce wine and vinegar. Starting with Adrian Kiderlen, the rights and knowledge of the in-house production process were passed on from generation to generation. Our current Global-CEO, Thomas Kiderlen, is a direct desendant of Adrian Kiderlen himself.

Today, vomFASS produces and sources first-class vinegar specialties, oils, wines, liqueurs and spirits among other things. vomFASS is committed to sustainably preserving existing orchards and promotes the creation of new orchards that provide habitat for native animals and plants.


Traditional craftsmanship made from the best raw materials

The quality of the products from vomFASS is not only guaranteed by the careful, handcrafted production with many years of experience, but also begins in the sustainably managed meadows and fields of the organic farmers. Only hand-picked raw materials of the best quality directly from the farmers are used.

This means that our products are good for the environment and taste good! A sustainable enjoyment for connoisseurs!

Award Winning Products

For years, vomFASS has been producing exceptional products of the highest quality.

We have received over 100 awards from renowned institutes honoring vomFASS products for their contribution to the culinary world. It is with great pride that vomFASS brings these award-winning products to our customers year round.

Award-winning vomFASS products are recognized as some of the best in the world.

Part of the vomFASS magic derives from our careful selection and nurtured relationships with the finest growers/producers from the Swiss Alps to the shores of the Mediterranean. Many producers are multigenerational businesses who follow the strictest guidelines for cultivation, harvesting, land stewardship, maturation, and extraction practices.